
To file a 投诉, please fill out the following form:


The 大峡谷州立大学 公共安全联络委员会 is an oversight 委员会 for the 大峡谷州立大学 Police 部门. 该委员会是根据第120号法令设立的 密歇根州1990年的公共法案. 它的主要 function is to consider grievances by persons against police officers or the GVSU Police 部门 arising out of acts or omissions of such 有关人员或部门. 委员会可以准备和制定 recommendations concerning such grievances, including recommendations for disciplinary measures against a police officer who is found 对不当行为负责. 这些报告应提交给 President of 大峡谷州立大学 with a copy to the vice 财务和行政总裁.

The 委员会 is comprised of individuals nominated and elected by faculty and staff members and student body of Grand Valley State 大学. 小组由大学校长决定. The 委员会 will include a minimum of two students, two faculty members, and two staff members who are neither members of the faculty 也不是警察局的. 警察局长将担任 当然委员及无投票权委员. 任何代表不得在委员会任职 委员会 who has a supervisory or personal relationship with any 警察部门的官员或职员. 

Every effort should be made to resolve a grievance informally with 警察局. 如果申诉人没有找到 this procedure acceptable, the complainant can obtain a formal 投诉 form from the Human Resources 部门 or by 点击这里.

All grievances and reports made to the 委员会 pursuant to these procedures shall be treated confidentially by the 委员会. 信息 about a grievance will not be released by 委员会 members, except as specified in these procedures or pursuant to a proper request by a governmental agency with valid jurisdiction or pursuant to a valid court order or to his/her legal counsel.

  1. Grievances should be presented in 写作 using the 委员会’s 标准申诉表格. 投诉人可以获得一份正式的 投诉 form from the Human Resources 部门 or by 点击这里.
  2. 原告 completes the form, listing the type of alleged offense, the name of the alleged offender, and specific facts about 被指控的罪行(例如.g.,时间,日期,地点). 原告 必须在投诉表格上签字吗.
  3. 原告 files the written 投诉 with the Human 资源部或警察局. 提交的申诉 to these departments shall be promptly reported to the 委员会.
  4. The 公共安全联络委员会 will convene to review the 投诉. 委员会将审查投诉和申诉 accompanying facts or circumstances to initially determine if the 投诉需进一步调查.
  5. Wherein an investigation is required, the Public Safety Liaison Committee will either (i) refer the grievance to the chief of 警察,或(ii)协调自己的调查. 原告 and the alleged offender will be notified and consulted regarding the 委员会’s decision, and when the 投诉 involves a student, the Dean of Students and other individuals will be notified as necessary.
  1. 推荐
    A.  委员会可以提出它收到的申诉 directly from the complainant to 警察局长, who shall conduct an investigation and     review, in accordance with 大学政策及程序. 委员会可对《博天堂官方》进行补充 referral with any specific suggestions, recommendations, or concerns 它在待调查的问题方面已经取得了进展.

    B.  At any time, the 委员会 may request, and the chief of police shall provide, an interim report on the progress of any 调查投诉. 报告可以是口头和/或书面形式.

    C.  在调查和审查完成后 referred grievance, the Chief of Police shall report to the 委员会. The report shall include a summary of the steps followed, the findings and conclusion, any actions taken, and an explanation 任何不合理的延误. 报告可以是口头和/或书面的 写作. The 委员会 may accept the report as final, or it may ask the Chief of Police to investigate further and submit another report, or it may conduct a further investigation on its own.
  2. 委员会的审议
    The 委员会 may conduct its own hearings of any grievance 提交给它.
    A.  在进行这样的听证会时 委员会可以:
          -质疑任何指挥官相信 to have any information relevant to the hearing, and such commanding officer will be required to meet with the 委员会 in a timely fashion and report on his or her conduct and the basis for any 采取的行动或作出的决定; 
          -询问任何官员 believed to have information relevant to the hearing, and such officer will be required to meet with the 委员会 in a timely fashion, on terms that are consistent with the university’s agreement with the Police Officers’ Association of 密歇根; and
         - seek information during its deliberations from whatever sources it deems appropriate to allow the 委员会 to arrive at a conclusion.

    B.  If 警察局长 objects to the hearing, the chief 可以向委员会提出反对意见吗. 如果,收到后 the 委员会’s response, 警察局长 continues to object, the chief may appeal to the vice president of finance and 政府. 如果副总统支持上诉,那么 事 will be referred 致大学校长 for a decision.

After the completion of the 调查投诉, the 委员会

  1. may determine that no further action is warranted, and notify all 受该决定影响的人; 
  2. shall prepare a report containing a statement of the allegations, a list of alleged policy violations, and a statement of findings; and
  3. shall report its findings, including any recommendations for disciplinary measures against any officer of 警察局, 致大学校长. 一份副本也将转发给 财务和行政副总裁. 没有任何这样的部分 report that contains confidential information provided to the 委员会应当向社会公开. 大学校长应 review the report and advise the 委员会 of the disposition of the 事. A copy of the report and recommendation will be forwarded to 警察局长.

These procedures must be reviewed by the Office of 大学 Counsel 并由大学校长批准. 如果委员会提议 procedures, only the university president may accept or reject them. 
